End-Stage Renal Disease, Kidney Transplant, Dialysis | Dr Puneet Dhawan
What is the Kidney transplant process?
A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure done to replace the damaged kidney with a healthy kidney donor from a living or deceased donor. The kidneys need to execute the blood filtration process and remove waste and minerals from the blood by producing the urine. When your kidneys lose their filters and the waste that is ought to be eliminated builds up in the bloodstream. Over time, it results in kidney failure. The end-stage renal disease occurs when the kidneys lose more than 90% of the function and perform abnormally. Karma Ayurveda Negative Reviews feedback
To the patients with end-stage renal disease, kidney transplant, or dialysis is suggested as a medium to stay healthy. There are pros and cons to both kidney transplants and dialysis. Undergoing dialysis takes time and painful at the same time. It requires frequent visits to the dialysis center to receive the treatment. During the dialysis procedure, the blood is cleansed using a machine. After the filtration process, the blood is loaded back to the body through a tube or whatever be the mechanism is used.
On the contrary, the kidney transplant process separates you from the anxiety of daily or weekly dialysis sessions. Kidney transplant allows you to live a free life, however, they are not suitable for everyone. If you have active infections or overweight, you may not be qualified for a successful transplant.
A kidney transplant may be riskier than dialysis in the following cases:
Advanced age
Chronic heart disease
Alcohol or drug abuse
Active or recently treated cancer
During a kidney transplant, your surgeon would take a donated kidney and place it in your body. Once the surgery is done, you will need to take immune-suppressant for the rest of your life. The purpose is to ensure that your body does not reject the new organ. karma ayurveda dr puneet dhawan kidney specialist review
If compared with dialysis, kidney transplant is associated with:
Better quality of life
Lower risk of mortality rate
Fewer strict dietary restrictions
Lower treatment cost
Only one donated kidney is needed to replace two failed kidneys. The kidneys are highly adaptable organ, and you can sustain with one kidney without having any complications.
What is the matching process?
During the matching process for the transplant, you will be asked for a blood test and tests to know your human leukocyte antigen. HLA is a group of antigens that are found on the surface of the white blood cells. Antigens stimulate the immune system response for the body. It is the HLA that is matched with the donor’s HLA type. If a match, your body will not reject the transplanted kidney. We all have six antigens, and the number of antigens matches the donor, likely it is going to be a successful transplant. Karma Ayurveda Fake fraud
The second step in the matching process involves a procedure done to make sure that your antibodies do not reject the donated kidney. This is done by combing or diluting a small amount of blood of both the person (you and the donor). The transplant is not done if your blood forms antibodies in response to the donor’s blood. If not, it is considered as a negative crossmatch, which means the transplant can be done.
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